Shielded by KayLynn Flanders
my rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Huge thanks to Random House Children and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review. I know this story is suppose to be in comparison to Sorcery of Thorns and Furyborn but don't think that is an accurate comparison. The story didn't put an emphasis on libraries and there were more characters involved rather than the protagonist heavy Furyborn. This was such a fun simple story. Jennesara is a princess born with magic she was never suppose to inherit. On the way to her betrothed, her wagon is attacked and she is stranded in a magic forest. Jennesara escapes, is picked by up the royal guard and taken to the castle of her betrothed. Under a false name, she does her best to save her kingdom and the prince she comes to love. The rest of the action follows these events. I enjoyed this story a lot. There is not enough to be said about the magic system in this book. It was unique, special, intriguing and fresh. The plot was simple and predictable a...