All the Stars and Teeth by Adalyn Grace
my rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ***Thank you to EdelWeiss and Macmillan for this ARC in exchange for an honest review. This story follows Amora, the future Queen of Visidia, as she embarks on a journey that in the end, means the life or death of her people. I loved this book for its characters. They are so dynamic and do a great job complimenting the protagonist. This book had everything I love; pirates, mermaids, magic and seaside villages. This was a fast paced read and beautifully written. The author did a great job with world building and kept me wanting to know more. The romance is a slow burn romance that functions as a subplot. Something I personally appreciate. This is a great YA story with an easy to follow flow. If you love sea inspired adventure stories with twists and turns this is definitely for you.