A Dress for the Wicked by Autumn Krause

my rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

A Dress for the Wicked is the story of Emmy and her acceptance into the elite fashion competition at the legendary Fashion House. Unfortunately for Emmy, she is the symbol of change that no one wants, especially the head of the Fashion House the unconquerable Madame Jolene.

This was such a fun simple read. Watching the underdog rise to the top and break barriers was everything I needed for a change of pace. The story is a historical fiction contemporary so if you are looking for an action packed fantasy story this isn't it. However, if you are looking for a character to root for and a story light on romance this is for you. The description of the clothing involved was so beautiful and I enjoyed the pictures the author painted of the fashion pieces created by the main characters. I enjoyed the side characters and they did a great job of enhancing the story and pushing the plot along. I really could feel the power and love of fashion in this book and I liked that as well.

Overall, I gave the story 3 stars because I enjoyed it and would recommend it to others but I wouldn't necessarily read it again.


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